Style-on-a-Budget: Summer Nights

It has been 97 degrees over here in sunny Los Angeles, which in my opinion is about 20 degrees too hot. Sometimes in this kind of heat, it's exhausting to think about putting effort into fashion. However, when the summer nights cool down just a tad (you know, to 88 ish), I love to get [...]

Style on a Budget

As a young woman in this world, I am able to admit that I enjoy staying trendy & current when it comes to fashion. (Guilty as charged). But-what you won't find me doing is spending loads of money and breaking the bank all for the "love of clothing." I am going to share my insider [...]

Mirror Challenge!

Hey, girls! If your favorite dress is too long, do you get rid of it? No! You alter it. We alter our clothing, and we need to alter our self-talk! Mirrors are a place we look at ourselves and make judgement. It is a reflection of who we are. But my God says we were [...]