Vegan Tapas Night!


“If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.”
-J.R.R. Tolkien

The reason I love cooking, preparing fun meals, and having people in my home, is not out of necessity. Isn’t it amazing that while we need good to live, it is so much more than filling up and sustaining our bodies?

Food is creative, beautiful, unique, versatile, exciting, and has a way of bringing people together.

As a creative spirit, I enjoy nothing more than preparing something new. This past weekend, my husband and I had friends over to our home who are vegan. While some may have seen this as an obstacle, I saw it as a wonderful opportunity to try something different. Challenge accepted.

We decided to prepare a vegan tapas meal, which included:

-Pita bread
-Avocado salsa
-Green olives
-Roasted almonds with tamari
-Dried mango
-Marinated peppers
-Kale chips


God is so creative. Just look at the color, vibrance, and life in this meal! And the best part is, it’s so easy!

I made homemade kale chips, which is so simple. Just grab a bunch of kale {I go for the thicker, larger leaves}, wash them, and place them in a bowl. Toss with some sea salt to taste, and two tablespoons of olive oil.


Spread your kale out evenly on a baking sheet, or two depending on how many chips you’re making, and bake in a preheated oven at 300 degrees for about 15 minutes.


There is great value in meeting in homes, breaking bread, sharing meals, and living in community with one another. Spring is the perfect time for a light vegan tapas meal. Try something new, be vegan for a day, explore the culture and color of food, sit on the floor, and enjoy the flavors that life puts on your plate!


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