Mirror, mirror on the wall…


This week, God has truly blessed me with work that I love. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to work on a film, today I was acting on a show, and tomorrow I’m on a show as well. One of my favorite things about arriving on set is heading straight to the hair and makeup department. Everyone who knows me is aware that while I enjoy dressing up and having a good time, you will usually find me with minimal makeup, a messy bun, and yoga pants. 

Doing hair has never been one of my “things.” It is not a skill that I possess, and perhaps I never will. These women are so talented, they can take my stubborn, unruly, fine, thin hair that doesn’t want to hold a curl and they can transform it into anything. With their curlers, curling irons, straighteners, sprays, brushes, gels, clips, bobby pins, and lots of time, they can turn me into an entirely different character.

I don’t know about you, but I’ve had days where I woke up and glanced in the mirror and deeply wished that I could be turned into someone else…anyone else. Whether it was an imperfection on my skin, my lack of makeup skills, wishing that my hair could just be different, or finding myself unsatisfied with my body, I remember having days where my bathroom mirror was my worst enemy. Why? Because inside of that mirror was every lie the enemy could tell me…every lie that culture wanted me to believe about myself. That I’d never be enough, that I was too small in some areas, too big in other areas, that my skin was too flawed to leave the house, that my makeup never looked “sexy” like the girls on the magazine covers, that my hair just looked awful. Once quick glance in the mirror and suddenly my entire idea of who I was changed. 

My good friend and mentor, Rachel Z. Davis, gave a great message a week ago on this topic and talked about how we are in agreement with the enemy when we look at ourselves in the bathroom mirror and believe the lies. Rejecting those thoughts, however, is no easy task. Our heads and hearts are so overstimulated with what media tells us, and honestly, many of us aren’t getting nearly as much truth or scripture as magazine, television, or movie time. How might our expectations of ourselves change if we spent more time in truth? How would we think of ourselves if we defined ourselves as wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)? 

I challenge you this week to spend more time in God’s word doing your research on who He designed you to be. Spend one week cutting out the magazines, cutting out PINTEREST (I know, I’m asking a lot of you). Get rooted in the truth. Find your favorite scripture and write it on your bathroom mirror so that the first thing you see when you look into that mirror is God’s truth for you.

One of the awesome things about being an actor and being on set is that there is always someone waiting to correct your imperfections. Always someone waiting with powder to keep the shine away, applying the perfect lip color consistently, fixing fly aways, and making sure that everything is perfect. Unfortunately, TV, movies, and magazines lie. That just isn’t real life. In our real daily lives, we have to feel comfortable and confident walking around in the skin God gave us…rocking the hair God gave us. Be you. Be wonderfully made. And most of all: remember that God didn’t make a mistake when He made you. You are His favorite. You are His perfect and beautiful design.



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